ASI 2024 Call for Stories

Holland College, Charlottetown, PEI
August 19-21, 2024
The Atlantic Community Showcase will be held during the Opening Ceremonies on the evening of August 19, 2024 and will celebrate initiatives that relate to this year’s theme – The Enduring Spirit of Collaboration: Celebrating 20 Years with ASI! And we want to hear your story!
- Have you worked in or developed a program or project that was inspired by your experience at ASI?
- Have you collaborated with others that you were introduced to through ASI? And how?
- Have you developed an innovative policy influenced by the ASI Call to Action or the ASI Policy Brief?
- Do you have an initiative that aligns with this year’s Theme or the ASI Policy Brief?
- Have you seen positive results that you would like to share with others?
1. What was the initiative you wish to share? (Description).
2. Why were you or your organization inspired by ASI? (Explanation).
3. So what did you learn from this experience? (Synthesis).
4. Now what did you do (and plan to do now) based on what you learned? (Action)
Six selected submissions will be offered an interview to explore the stories in more detail. The interview will be recorded and edited by ASI staff in collaboration with the story teller.
Edited recordings will be presented during the Atlantic Community Showcase at the Opening Ceremonies. Story tellers will be provided with exhibit space to showcase their project/ initiative during the Forum. They will also be provided with an opportunity to showcase their project on our online platform Whova. Clips of the recorded stories may also be posted on social media with the consent of the story teller.
Additional information (specifications, format of presentations, setting up and dismantling times, Whova platform and virtual login and setup,) will be provided to selected presenters.
We ask that you send us your story using the online template that is provided with this call. (See below)
A panel of reviewers will review the stories submitted and select projects that:
- Demonstrate the impact of ASI
- Demonstrate collaboration with more than one generation or sector
- Are innovative and demonstrate promising upstream collaborative practices, policies, research
- Identify ways to foster collaboration in their communities and with ASI
We are looking for stories in French and/or English from:
- Community groups
- Practitioners
- Researchers
- Educators
- Policy makers
- Students
- Parents/caregivers
If you are engaged in work that meets these criteria, we want to hear from you! In total we anticipate that 6 stories will be presented; a great opportunity to share information about the work of upstream collaboration throughout Atlantic Canada.
As a presenter at the Atlantic Community Showcase, you will benefit from the networking opportunities and the chance to profile your work to Forum attendees from many sectors who are taking action or conducting research or building partnerships. ASI 2024 will attract researchers, policy makers, advocates working in multiple sectors (such as education, environment, municipalities, health, justice, child and family, or community services, non-profit and private sectors), parents, caregivers, youth and members of the general public who are promoters of positive mental health across the life course. And this year is a time to celebrate the collaborations that have taken place over the last 20 years!
ASI 2024 will have a hybrid option, so you will have the option to display your Showcase online on the Whova web conferencing platform even if you are unable to attend the Forum in person.
Stories must be submitted online at
You will be asked to complete a template that will include:
- The description of your work –What, Why, So What, Now what
- The connection / relationship between your story and the theme the Enduring Spirit of Collaboration: Celebrating 20 years with ASI!
- What others will learn from your presentation
- A short biography
- Contact information
We will send you an acknowledgement when we receive the description/abstract of your presentation. We will notify you if your application is successful or not. Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel and decisions will be communicated.
Agreeing to accept an offer to present confirms that you agree to register for the Forum and make this presentation as scheduled. The Forum will be a learning experience for all attendees, including presenters. We request that all presenters commit to attending the full Forum, from August 19-21.
You will need to cover the costs of registration, accommodations and travel. Most meals during the ASI are included as part of the registration. It is also possible for a presenter to apply for a subsidy for travel, accommodation, and meals that are not covered by the registration. A limited number of subsidies are available to participants and presenters from Atlantic Canada attending the full program. For additional information on subsidies, please consult the ASI website. Story Tellers may apply for a subsidy at CLICK HERE.
For questions regarding the call for presentations, e-mail us at or call 902-894-3399.