Sharing Leadership Experiences: Creating a Dialogue Among Women & Girls

New Workshop Builds Leadership and Mentorship Among Women and Girls

Last August, the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities (ASI) presented a program for young women leaders during the three-day conference focusing on leadership for active communities. ASI’s Young Women and Community Leadership program convened more than 20 young women from across the Atlantic Region to Charlottetown to learn about leadership, to develop action plans to create change in their communities, and to build a network of supporters to help them on their leadership path.

The program sparked the leadership passions of these committed young women. Equipped with the leadership skills and strategies they gained from the program, participants reported feeling empowered and prepared to move forward with their action plan in their community.

A follow up event to this successful program is being organized by the ASI in partnership with the Girls Action Foundation to take place from 9-5 on Monday, April 29th, at Holland College in Charlottetown.  The one day event Sharing Leadership Experiences: Creating a Dialogue Amongst Women and Girls is open to young leaders in Atlantic Canada between the ages of 16 to 30 and invited mentors.

This event will focus on intergenerational mentorship and will provide participants with resources and skills needed to successfully initiate projects and champion change in communities. Participating young women will have the opportunity to connect with their peers and with women further along in their professional lives to share leadership experiences and engage in mutual mentorship. The program builds upon the previous resources from ASI and Girls Action Foundation and includes leadership workshops and a panel discussion with women leaders from the community.

Organizers are inviting alumnae of the ASI program to attend and are recruiting other young women from PEI, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to take part.

Funding is available to cover travel and accommodation costs for those attending from off-Island. Space is limited, and potential participants should register as soon as possible to secure their place. Online registration is at: Registration

For more information on the workshop and funding support, contact program co-organizer Patsy Beattie-Huggan via email: or telephone: 902.894.3399.

This event is made possible with the financial support of Girls Action Foundation.

A report from the workshop is now available on Storify! Follow the day as it happened, with tweets, photos and video below: