Our Partners
Many organizations and individuals have contributed to planning and programming the 2014 Atlantic Summer Institute. Learn more about our dedicated community partners in Atlantic Canada below!

Cooper Institute, established in 1984, is a not-for-profit community development organization/collective, dedicated to developing and implementing programs and processes to encourage people-empowerment and engagement. Key program themes are: inclusion, food security, and livable income. The overarching backdrop for all areas of work is democracy and resistance. www.cooperinstitute.ca

Girls Action Foundation is a national charitable organization. We lead and seed girls’ programs across Canada. We build girls’ and young women’s skills and confidence and inspire action to change the world. Through our innovative programs, research, and support to a network of over 300 partnering organizations and projects, Girls Action reaches over 60,000 girls and young women. We reach remote, marginalized and urban communities, including those in the North. girlsactionfoundation.ca

Nova Scotia Community Counts provides a common platform for social, economic, environmental and cultural data from many sources that illustrate the unique nature of each community. It provides easily accessible and understandable information products at 16 levels of geography. The Map Centre offers over 40,000 maps that are dynamically generated based on user requirements. www.novascotia.ca/finance/communitycounts

PEI Business Women’s Association has a mission is “to empower and inspire women to succeed in their business endeavours by providing advisory services, opportunities for development, and connections with other women in business”. We exist to support and promote women in business located across the Island, including women entrepreneurs, business professionals, and students. peibwa.org

The Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI (MCPEI) is a common forum for the two PEI First Nations (Abegweit and Lennox Island First Nations) to address outstanding issues related to Aboriginal and treaty rights. It is a tribal council and provincial territorial organization (PTO) governed by a Board of Directors with membership from the band councils of Abegweit and Lennox Island First Nations. MCPEI promotes knowledge and understanding of Mi’kmaq rights by conducting research, developing and implementing initiatives, and building relationships necessary to resolve issues in a cooperative manner. www.mcpei.ca

Women’s Network PEI is a not-for-profit organization that works to strengthen and support the efforts of PEI women through feminist analysis and practise. wnpei.org

The PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEI ANC) brings people and communities together by providing settlement services to new immigrants and fostering inclusion and integration in the province of Prince Edward Island. The Association was incorporated in 1993 as a non-profit charitable organization.Find PEI ANC on facebook, twitter, and at peianc.com.
Sean Casey is the Member of Parliament for Charlottetown and the Liberal Party of Canada Justice Critic. Some of the issues Sean is actively focussed on include: Veterans affairs, justice, poverty and Guaranteed Annual Income. http://seancasey.liberal.ca/
Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Saint John Human Development Council