What is the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities (ASI)?

The Atlantic Summer Institute (ASI) is a bilingual, not-for-profit organization established in 2003 with a mission to serve as a catalyst for social change, ultimately resulting in more inclusive and equitable Atlantic Canadian communities. Since 2014, ASI’s area of priority has been upstream promotion of child and youth mental health. In 2022 ASI released a policy brief Investing Upstream – putting infant, child and youth mental health at the forefront and for the past year has been mobilizing the uptake of the brief.


ASI collaborates with stakeholders from across Atlantic Canada to build connections and host conversations forward for healthier and safer futures for ourselves and our children. ASI is managed by a board of directors with representatives from the four Atlantic provinces. We encourage intergenerational and intersectoral collaboration, and are dedicated to creating inclusive, vibrant networks.

What is the ASI Policy Forum?

ASI hosts an annual learning Institute that brings together experts and practitioners in diverse sectors to learn, share and connect on the topic of child and youth mental health promotion. ASI hosts a 3-day Forum in August that includes plenaries, workshops, roundtables, and an Atlantic Canadian Showcase. ASI encourages participation from diverse sectors and individuals, including community leaders, educators, health practitioners, Indigenous leaders, researchers, parents/caregivers, youth, policy makers… everyone interested in collaborating to improve child and youth mental health! The ASI Policy Forum takes place at Holland College in Charlottetown, PEI.

What is the ASI Youth Leadership Program?

ASI supports 25 youth (ages 18-25) to participate in the Youth Leadership Program. During the Youth Leadership Program, there is time for youth to participate in the full ASI program through presentations and roundtable discussions, as well as convene separately to learn from experts and develop long lasting connections with other youth. There is no cost associated with the Youth
Leadership Program.