Watch the Symposium on Child and Youth Mental Health online!
Several presentations from the Symposium were live streamed. Click on the videos below to view the presentations. Thanks to Nathan Sizemore Productions, as well as Joel MacDonald from Serious Media and Ian Hall from Mountain Studios.
MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2015 – 6:30 – 8:30 Symposium Opening
Welcome and Introductions:
- Malcolm Shookner, MC and President, Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities;
- Pamela Magee, Executive Director CMHA NS
- Cathy Peyton, Project Manager, ACCESS-MH
Opening remarks:
- Dr. Rhonda Matters, PEI Chief Mental Health Officer
- Mike Duffy, Deputy Mayor of the City of Charlottetown
- Reid Burke, Executive Director, CMHA PEI
Keynote Introduction:
- Dr. Kate Tilleczek, Principal Investigator, ACCESS-MH
Keynote Presentation:
Hot Topics in Child and Youth Mental Health: How many partners does it take to change a lightbulb (or a system)?
- Dr. Ian Manion – Keynote Speaker
Keynote Introduction: Dr. Jean Hughes, Lead Researcher, SEAK Project
Keynote Presentation:
Promoting Well-Being in Schools: Current Status and Future Challenges
- Dr. Mark Greenberg
Moderated Panel:
The Landscape of Child and Youth Mental Health in Atlantic Canada – Challenges & Opportunities
Moderator: Doug Crossman
- Mary Catherine Connolly, CHANCES, Nurse Practitioner (PEI)
- Vikki MacEachern, Teacher, Inverness Education Centre/Academy (NS)
- Brent Chaisson, Community Child & Youth Care Worker and Marilyn LeFrank, Director of the Child and Family Services Mi’kmaq Family PRIDE Program, Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI
- Sheldon Pollett, Executive Director, Choices for Youth (NL)
- Christian Whalen, Deputy Advocate and Senior Legal Counsel, Office of the Child and Youth Advocate for New Brunswick
Reflection on the Panel: Hon. Doug Currie, Minister of Health and Wellness and Minister of Family and Human Services, PEI
Panel: Developing policy for collective impact to improve mental health – Expanding the Reach of Proven Programs
Moderator: Patsy Beattie-Huggan
- Peter Bevan-Baker, Leader, Green Party of PEI; MLA for district #17, Kelly’s Cross – Cumberland – Impact of the political process in policy development
- Jeff DeWolfe, Director of Programs and Student Services, South Shore Regional School Board Influencing policy through local partnerships
- Yvette Doiron, Director of Child and Youth Addiction and Mental Health Services (NB) Network of Excellence – impact on policy related to Continuum of services for Child and Youth Addiction and Mental Health Services in New Brunswick
- Carol Hopkins, Executive Director, Thunderbird Partnership Foundation First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum Framework:
Potential impact in Atlantic Canada
Reflection on the Panel: John McLaughlin, Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, New Brunswick
Youth Leadership Program
The participants in the Youth Leadership Program collaboratively wrote a song entitled The Change.
Children’s Program
The kids who participated in the Symposium Children’s Program engaged in interactive activities based on social and emotional learning principles. The emphasis on positive mental health and its relationship to physical activity and the environment was part of the fun as the children explored local Island culture through art, music, games and nature walks.