Call for Presentations
- Have you worked in a program or project for children or youth that was inspired by a great idea?
- Have you developed an innovative policy to influence the mental health and emotional safety of your community?
- Have you seen positive results that you would like to share with others?
Then we would like to invite you/your organization to share your experience in a poster or table top presentation during the Atlantic Community Showcase on August 16 during the 2016 Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities. The theme of ASI 2016 is Promoting Child and Youth Mental Health: Engaging all Generations! and it will be held August 16-18 at
Holland College in Charlottetown, PEI.
As a presenter at the Atlantic Community Showcase, you will benefit from the networking opportunities and a chance to profile your work to other participants who are engaged in child and youth mental health programs. ASI 2016 will attract researchers, policy makers, advocates working in multiple sectors (such as education, health, justice, child and family, or community services, non-profit and private sectors), parents, caregivers, youth and members of the general public who are promoters of positive mental health.
A panel of reviewers will review the abstracts submitted and select projects that:
- relate to the theme of child and youth mental health;
- are innovative and demonstrate promising collaborative practices, policies, research;
- engage more than one generation; and
- are trying to move the project to the next step of stakeholder engagement.
We are looking for presentation proposals in French and/or English from:
- community groups
- practitioners
- researchers
- educators
- policy makers
- students
- parents/caregivers
If you have a project that meets these criteria, we want to hear from you! In total we anticipate that 10-12 presentations will be displayed either on table tops or as poster boards; a great opportunity to share information about the work of promoting mental health amongst children and youth throughout Atlantic Canada. We will give priority
to proposals from Atlantic Canada, but we also encourage others to submit abstracts.
Deadline for Submissions
We are accepting abstracts until Wednesday, May 18, 12:00 noon (Atlantic Time). We will not accept late submissions.
Click here for guidelines and details.
For questions regarding the Call for Presentations, e-mail us at info@asi-iea or call 902.894.3399.