ASI 2015

Symposium on Child and Youth Mental Health
Investing in Child and Youth Mental Health – Mobilizing Atlantic Canadians for a Positive Future
Charlottetown, PEI
August 17-19, 2015
Registration is now open for an Atlantic Canadian event which will bring together individuals from across the region with an interest in child and youth mental health.
Mental health plays an essential role in overall health and well-being, and an investment in programs for children and youth has positive long-term results that last a lifetime. A summer event in Atlantic Canada hopes to increase the spotlight on child and youth mental health by encouraging community leaders of all ages to work collaboratively to support the mental health of children and youth in Atlantic Canada.
The goal of the two-day Symposium: Investing in Child and Youth Mental Health – Mobilizing Atlantic Canadians for a Positive Future is to learn about mental health in Atlantic Canada, build networks and identify strategies for enhancing programs and policies in schools, communities and provinces. The event is designed for everyone who promotes positive mental health, including researchers, policy-makers and advocates, as well as parents, caregivers, and youth.
The Symposium will feature speakers, presentations and interactive workshops focused on:
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) – key to mental health promotion and well-being
- Parent, Youth and Community Engagement
- Integrated Service Delivery (School based)
- Experiences of and access to services
- Collective impact to improve mental health of children and youth
View the program.
The Symposium on Child and Youth Mental Health is a collaborative event organized by the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities (ASI), in partnership with two key Canadian projects: Socially and Emotionally Aware Kids (SEAK) and Atlantic Canada Children’s Effective Service Strategies in Mental Health (ACCESS-MH).
A limited number of subsidies are available to participants and presenters from Atlantic Canada attending the full program. Click here for information.
Eventbrite – Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities
Registration Rates:
Early Bird Symposium Rate until June 8 – $275.00
Symposium Regular Rate – $325.00
Early Bird registration rates will be available until June 8, 2015.
Contact the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities for more information about the Symposium:; (902) 894.3399.
For more information about the project partners, please visit their websites:
The SEAK Project:
Access Mental Health: