Envisioning Change: Leadership & Community Planning

From February 13-27, the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities is offering a five part online workshop series using a case study approach to community planning. This educational opportunity is designed for those seeking to engage in comprehensive and inclusive planning to address community issues, safety and well-being. Community leaders, researchers, educators and anyone interested in working intersectorally to create change are encouraged to take part. By working together to address complex issues with a focus on the social determinants of health, participants will learn how to bring together research, policy, and intersectoral collaboration for successful community planning and development.

This workshop series is adapted from ASI’s Application Curriculum and the series uses the Circle of Health as a tool for team planning. If you are interested in gaining skills and knowledge in an interactive, continuing education setting, without the cost of travel, ASI’s Winter Workshop series is an excellent opportunity to learn about intersectoral collaboration and the resources and tools available for comprehensive community planning.

Workshops run Tuesdays and Thursdays in February. Workshops are 1.5 hours in length (1:00-2:30pm Atlantic Time), for a total of 7.5 hours of instruction. REGISTER HERE.

February 13: Workshop 1 – Orientation

February 18: Workshop 2 – Establish the Team

February 20: Workshop 3 – Define the Issue and Vision

February 25: Workshop 4 – Plan for Change

February 27: Workshop 5 – Implement the Plan

The cost of the series is $325, which includes a workbook and certificate of completion of the ASI Application Curriculum Pathway. Group rates are available; please email patsy@thequaich.pe.ca for details. To learn more about the online workshops, click here: http://thequaich.pe.ca/workshops.asp 

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