Register Now! ASI 2020 Online Policy Forum

The “new normal” has limited our ability to gather in large groups spanning provincial borders, but it has also increased public awareness about mental health and wellness, and the need for upstream action. With this in mind, the ASI Board of Directors has decided to move ASI 2020 online!

We’re excited about the possibilities this presents for bringing together even more voices from across Atlantic Canada! ASI 2020, held August 24-26, will be a virtual event that includes speakers, panelists, workshops, small group discussions, social and networking opportunities, the Atlantic Showcase, and our Youth Leadership Program.

Be part of a movement that brings together people who are capable of influencing and implementing changes at the policy and community levels! Group rates are available! ASI 2020 aims to increase understanding of the importance of infant, child and youth mental health for the whole of society, and foster policy actions to influence upstream investment in support of mental health.

ASI 2020 will build on the strengths of the past five years of successful ASI programming on mental health promotion, and consultations held this spring, and move action to the next level by producing resources that support upstream policy development and implementation to promote the mental health of infants, children and youth.

Develop skills to build capacity for upstream policy development and implementation
Share ideas and engage in dialogue, building on evidence and best practice
Help build an agenda and resources for policy development and implementation
Collaborate and have fun with diverse participants
Learn from Indigenous leaders & youth advocates passionate about mental health promotion
Expand your networks in Atlantic Canada and beyond

Who will attend?
Politicians, public servants, health practitioners, private sector, media, unions, academics, educators, social agencies, community organizations, Indigenous leaders, youth leaders and the general public… everyone interested in collaborating to improve mental health!

Registration for ASI 2020 is $325.

Learn more and register here!

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