Showcase Presentations


The Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities is inviting selected programs to submit proposals to showcase their work at the Opening Ceremony of the ASI 2024 Policy Forum. The Forum is being held at Holland College, Charlottetown, PEI as an in-person event with a hybrid option.

The Atlantic Community Showcase will provide an opportunity to celebrate initiatives that relate to this year’s The Enduring Spirit of Collaboration – Celebrating 20 Years with ASI! or to the ASI Policy Brief and share them with all Forum participants, invited guests, media and online attendees.

Selected ASI Atlantic Community Showcase presenters will use the following format:

  • A 2-3 minute sales pitch on stage OR a recorded video to be presented on stage,
  • An invitation to view your Showcase exhibit in person during the reception after the Opening Ceremony AND/OR to view your Showcase online via the Whova platform.

Showcase presentation materials will be prominently displayed for the duration of the Forum (August 19-21) with opportunities for ongoing dialogue with Forum participants, both in person and online.

In total we anticipate that 5-6 projects will be showcased either in person, online, or both; a great opportunity to share information about the work of inspiring hope and promoting supportive environments for mental health amongst infant, children and youth throughout Atlantic Canada.


A panel of reviewers will review the proposals submitted as to how they:

  • Relate to the theme of inspiring hope through community action
  • Are innovative and demonstrate promising collaborative practices, policies, research
  • Engage more than one generation or sector
  • Are advancing the priority areas of the ASI Policy Brief

Proposals can be submitted in French and/or English and should be submitted by June 14, 2024.


For questions regarding the call for presentations, e-mail us at or call 902-894-3399.