Sponsors and Supporters

We would like to acknowledge these generous supporters of the 2019 Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities. Thank you!


We are thrilled that TD Bank Group is returning as title sponsor of the Youth Leadership Program at the 2019 Forum, and we are grateful for their continued support!


Medavie is returning as a supporter at the gold level for the 2019 Forum, and we are grateful for their continued support!


Bell Let’s Talk, the Charlottetown Atlantic Superstore (University Ave./Belvedere Ave. location), the City of Charlottetown, the Mental Health Commission of Canada and Modo Yoga Charlottetown are returning as silver sponsors for the 2019 Forum. Verafin is a new silver sponsor.


Rob Roy Builders and the First Nations Education Initiative Inc. are bronze sponsors of the 2019 Forum.

We appreciate the support of our planning partners and supporting organizations:

Coordinated by The Quaich Inc.

Support healthy and safe communities in Atlantic Canada by supporting the ASI 2019 Forum

Our 2019 program theme is Supportive Environments for Child and Youth Mental Health: Our Shared Responsibility! The 2.5-day program will be cross-generational and multi-sectoral, engaging a wide population. The ASI program is being designed to build on evidence and expand networks while focusing on supportive environments – social and physical – that can influence mental health and well-being.

ASI 2019 will be held from August 19-21 at the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, PEI, and will attract approximately 200 Atlantic Canadians invested in mental health issues, including community leaders, government representatives, educators, health practitioners and youth.

By contributing to the ASI, you will be part of a solution. Mental health plays an essential role in overall health and well-being, and an investment in child and youth mental health has positive long-term results that last a lifetime. Young people grow to be leaders in communities where they feel safe, connected and engaged, and when people feel invested in their communities they want to support local endeavors and local businesses.

Since 2004, ASI has had strong participation from community groups and government agencies, which is critical to the continued success and impact of our programming. Your investment in the ASI will ignite community leadership on child and youth mental health in Atlantic Canada.

Opportunities for sponsorship include:

  • Become a Title sponsor, or a Gold, Silver or Bronze sponsor
  • Sponsor your own employee(s) to attend
  • Sponsor a youth leader or community representative to attend
  • Contribute to the Youth Leadership Program
  • Contribute to the Children’s Program
  • Contribute to the Atlantic Community Showcase
  • Sponsor a lunch or nutrition break
  • Became a contributor

Advertising opportunities include:

  • Advertise in delegate bags ($250 for each bag insert)
  • Display a table-top promotional exhibit ($500)

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at 902-894-3399 or email info@asi-iea.ca.