Volunteer Opportunity

The Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities (ASI) is seeking volunteers for the 2019 ASI Forum, Supportive Environments for Child and Youth Mental Health: Our Shared Responsibility!, to be held from August 19-21 at the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, PEI.

Be part of a forum that aims to enhance our collective understanding of the links between mental health and our environment.The Forum will gather community leaders, educators, policy makers, health practitioners, researchers, justice representatives, parents/caregivers, youth leaders… everyone interested in collaborating to improve mental health!

Volunteering at the Forum is a great way to attend and assist within concurrent sessions and network with delegates during the event. We have a variety of volunteer shifts available throughout the Forum, at our registration and information desk, at plenary and concurrent sessions, and more.

As a volunteer, you will receive:

  • Opportunity to attend sessions on the day of your shift (subject to availability) without paying the registration fee
  • Refreshments during nutrition breaks and lunch
  • Invitation to a thank-you BBQ event, post-Forum
  • Networking opportunities and volunteer experience to list on your resume!

To sign up for volunteer shifts, visit: https://volunteersignup.org/XRPP7

If you have questions about volunteering, email Hillary Abbott: hillary@asi-iea.ca

Click here for more information about the ASI 2019 Forum.