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Atlantic Summer Institute (ASI) presents Inspiration to Action: Leadership for Active Communities – three days focusing on comprehensive training to foster leadership for active communities. This theme aligns with a current ASI project aimed at developing capacity for community leadership amongst women and girls in Atlantic Canada.
Leadership is a critical issue in sustaining communities in the Atlantic Region. Women and men of all ages are our key resources. Traditionally, the word “active” evokes images of physical activity and individual behaviours. ASI takes a broader view, focusing on “active communities” rather than individuals, and paying attention to the determinants of health and safety. The program of the 2012 ASI will explore how to influence conditions of people’s lives to promote their level of activity and engagement in their communities, as well as their social and economic inclusion.
- Gender and community leadership
- Young women and community leadership – engaging for change
- Building and using evidence for program and policy
- Strengthening community action
The Atlantic Summer Institute (ASI) is more than just a conference, it’s a learning Institute, with a curriculum that offers a certificate of participation. The Summer Institute really engages participants, providing them with an opportunity to develop skills, learn and share knowledge and work together on programs, policies and services.
The Institute makes the links between crime prevention, social and economic development and health and safety promotion and brings together; community groups, researchers, practitioners, educators, police and government representatives, all the many people and sectors that are working toward creating safer and healthier communities in Atlantic Canada.
Keynote Speaker:Be inspired by the leadership example and personal achievements of the physically active and actively engaged Nathalie Boivin, Ph.D.! Nathalie will share her story of leadership in literacy, health, and school communities and her accomplishments in being a triathlete – and how one contributed to the other. No matter how big or small you believe your contribution to be, you will walk away motivated to make a greater difference in your community and in the lives of people around you.
Click here to register or contact or call (902) 894-3399.
Register by or before Friday, June 15, to receive our Early Bird rate of $375, a $50 savings off the full registration price! The Early Bird Package, which includes accommodation on campus at Holland College, is an exceptional bargain.
Save even more by registering 4 participants and receiving the 5th participant at no cost!! Contact Michelle at or 902.894.3399 for more details.

- Leadership relatif au genre et leadership communautaire
- Jeunes femmes et leadership communautaire – un engagement pour le changement
- Collecte et utilisation de données probantes pour l’élaboration de programmes et de politiques
- Promotion de l’action communautaire

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire, envoyer un courriel à ou appeler le 902-894-3399. Le forfait d’inscription hâtive, qui comprend l’hébergement sur le campus du Holland College, représente une aubaine exceptionne.
Inscrivez-vous au plus le 15 juin pour 375 $ qui vous permet d’économiser 50 $ sur le tarif régulier!
Économisez même davantage en inscrivant 4 participants avec un 5e gratuit! Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Michelle à ou en composant le 902.894.3399.