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Opening the 7th Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities (ASI), August 21
Holland College, Charlottetown (PEI)
Nathalie Boivin, Ph.D.
“Inspiration to Action: Leadership for Active Communities”
Be inspired by the leadership example and personal achievements of the physically active and actively engaged Nathalie Boivin! Nathalie will share her story of leadership in literacy, health, and school communities and her accomplishments in being a triathlete – and how one contributed to the other. No matter how big or small you believe your contribution to be, you will walk away motivated to make a greater difference in your community and in the lives of people around you.
Nathalie is a dynamic person, who recognized early in life that she enjoyed being involved in community, and has continued to set goals to contribute to a better world. She strongly believes in lifelong learning and leadership by example; she has pursued her education to a Ph.D. level. Nathalie has competed in 2 Ironman events and is currently training for a third one, while being a fulltime professor with the Nursing Department of Université de Moncton, Shippagan Campus, in the field of Health Promotion. Her work experience, as a Military Nursing officer, professor or consultant, as well as her community involvements – namely the Société santé et mieux-être en français du NB, Mouvement acadien des communautés en santé du NB or with the Bathurst Healthy Community Network – have provided her with a variety of experiences collaborating with people from different sectors. Nathalie enjoys working with people to overcome challenges, as she thinks of them as opportunities to be creative and unveil one’s full potential.
The Opening presentation is a public event hosted by the City of Charlottetown at 7:00 pm, August 21 – all are welcome to attend. A reception sponsored by the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health will follow. The full Institute runs from August 21 to 24, 2012.
To register please click here, contact or call (902) 894.3399.
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Soyez inspiré! Présentation de notre conférencière de marque
Ouverture du 7e Institut d’été sur les collectivités sûres et en santé au Canada atlantique, le 21 août
Holland College, Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)
Nathalie Boivin, Ph.D.
« Leadership pour les collectivités actives: transformer l’inspiration en action »