Register Now for ASI 2017!

Raising healthy children is a responsibility of all Canadians. Supporting and promoting child and youth mental health is central to enabling them to become life-long, positive contributors to their communities.



The Atlantic Summer Institute (ASI) is offering its 2nd Symposium on Promoting Child and Youth Mental Health: Moving Evidence to Action on August 21-23, 2017 in Charlottetown, PEI.  The Symposium will gather community leaders, government representatives, educators, health practitioners and youth to review evidence of youth mental health issues in the region and to create collaborative strategies to promote positive mental health in schools and communities.



The Atlantic Summer Institute (ASI) is offering its 2nd Symposium on Promoting Child and Youth Mental Health: Moving Evidence to Action on August 21-23, 2017 in Charlottetown, PEI.  The Symposium will gather community leaders, government representatives, educators, health practitioners and youth to review evidence of youth mental health issues in the region and to create collaborative strategies to promote positive mental health in schools and communities.

The bilingual Symposium will build on the momentum from the past 2 years of programming which focused on emerging evidence and best practices that promote positive child and youth mental health in schools and communities. Once again, ASI 2017 will engage and develop youth leadership capacity and also deliver a Children’s Program.


We are thrilled to announce that TD Bank Group is returning as a title sponsor, and Medavie Health Foundation is a gold sponsor of the 2017 Symposium. We are grateful for their continued support!

Our Early Bird rate of $299 allows you to save $76 off the full registration price! Registration includes welcome reception, lunches, all Institute materials, and a certificate of participation.

Registration by June 30 is $299. After June 30, registration is $375.

