Symposium on Child and Youth Mental Health
August 17-19, 2015
Holland College, Charlottetown, PEI
Individuals with an interest in child and youth mental health are invited to Charlottetown, PEI from August 17-19, 2015 for a two day Symposium: Investing in Child and Youth Mental Health – Mobilizing Atlantic Canadians for a Positive Future.
During the event, participants will learn about the landscape of mental health in Atlantic Canada, build networks, and identify strategies for enhancing programs and policies in their schools, communities and provinces. If you are a researcher, policy maker, advocate working in multiple sectors (such as education, health, justice, child and family, or community services, non-profit and private sectors), a parent, caregiver, youth or a member of the general public who is a promoter of positive mental health, this event is designed for you!
The Symposium will feature speakers, student presentations and interactive workshops focused on:
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) – key to mental health promotion and well-being
- Parent, Youth and Community Engagement
- Integrated Service Delivery (School based)
- Experiences of and access to services
- Collective impact to improve mental health of children and youth
Stay tuned for full program details and registration information over the coming months.
The Symposium is a collaborative event organized by the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities, in partnership with two key Canadian projects: The Socially and Emotionally Aware Kids (SEAK) and Atlantic Canada Children’s Effective Service Strategies in Mental Health (ACCESS-MH). For more information on these projects please visit their websites at and
Contact the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities for information about the Symposium: (902)894-3399;