Community Leadership Symposium for men and women
August 17-18, 2011
Holland College
Charlottetown, PEI
The Atlantic Summer Institute approach:
The Atlantic Summer Institute (ASI) approach to developing women’s leadership is based around ASI values of inclusion, integration of official languages, cultural competency, gender and principles of adult education with a number of inner and outer themes. The inner themes are to do with developing confidence, a strong sense of identity and self worth, rejecting self limiting beliefs and developing the emotional and mental resilience required to take up a leadership position. The outer themes are to do with engaging with the external world in terms of developing social capital and support systems through networks and alliances, understanding the use of power and influence at an individual, community and structural level.
For today’s and tomorrow’s community leaders
Bilingual event for men and women
The philosophy of this symposium is to foster an inclusive approach to community leadership, in which women and men act as allies in each other’s leadership and are able to bring their distinctive contributions. This will mean that a greater leadership resource can be unlocked to overcome the barriers and underlying issues which affect community health and safety.
Participants will:
- be challenged to set their leadership goals
- reflect and identify their leadership development needs and how to overcome barriers
- acquire new knowledge, skills and ideas
- learn how to use tools such as the Circle of Health to develop an action plan.
Topics will include:
- What are the issues facing female leadership in communities and why should it matter to men?
- Creating a culture of participation ‘I need we to be fully me.’
- How do we build a Value Network of Leaders in Atlantic Canada and use the Circle of Health as a framework to take action on underlying barriers in communities?
Includes a free children’s program for ages 3 to 14!
For more information, call (902) 894-3399.
Visit our Facebook page at
We look forward to seeing you in August!
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En Support aux femmes de tous âges du Canada Atlantique
Symposium sur le leadership pour les hommes et les femmes
Les 17 et 18 août 2011
Collège Holland
Charlottetown, Î.-P.-É.
Pour les dirigeants communautaires d’aujourd’hui et de demain
Événement bilingue pour les hommes et les femmes
Les participants devront effectuer les étapes suivantes :
- Établir leurs objectifs de leadership
- Réfléchir afin de déterminer leurs besoins en matière de développement du leadership et la façon de surmonter les obstacles
- Obtenir de nouvelles connaissances, aptitudes et idées
- Utiliser des outils tels que le Cercle de la santé afin d’élaborer un plan d’action
- Quels sont les problèmes qui se présentent en matière de leadership des femmes dans les collectivités et pourquoi les hommes doivent-ils s’y intéresser?
- Création d’une culture de participation « Être soi-même à 100 % »
- Comment établir un réseau de valeurs des leaders au Canada atlantique et utiliser le Cercle de la santé en tant que cadre permettant de confronter les obstacles sous-jacents dans les collectivités?
Inclus un programme gratuit pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 14 ans!
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