
Symposium on Promoting Child and Youth Mental Health:
Moving Evidence to Action

The bilingual Symposium will build on the momentum from the past 2 years of programming which focused on emerging evidence and best practices that promote positive child and youth mental health in schools and communities.

Click here to view the ASI 2017 final program


From Evidence to Action: ASI 2017 Backgrounder on Child and Youth Mental Health Promotion (research and evidence from a variety of sources to inform policies, programs and practices that support child and youth mental health)



Registration will be held on Monday, August 21 from 12:00-6:16pm in the Charlottetown Centre at Holland College (140 Weymouth Street, Charlottetown, PEI). Free parking is available on-street, as well as in a nearby parking lot on Grafton Street. Please refer to this campus map for details.

Key features of this event include:

  • a profile of child and youth mental health in Atlantic Canada
  • keynote speaker
  • networking opportunities
  • a showcase of innovative practices in Atlantic Canada
  • presentations on the latest evidence
  • discussion of the policies needed to promote child and youth mental health
  • a Youth Leadership Program and a Children’s Program
  • a call to action


Eventbrite – 2017 Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities


Strengthening policies and programs that affect and support positive mental health for children and youth is vital to creating a sustainable and inclusive Atlantic Canada. We invite those whose work directly or indirectly affects child and youth mental health to attend, such as families, teachers, policy advisors, program delivery staff and community leaders. They will have the opportunity for professional development, networking across sectors in the four Atlantic Provinces, and contributing to how we move forward on a regional level to have a collective impact on positive child and youth mental health.

The goal of this Symposium is to build momentum from the past 2 years of programming consolidating emerging evidence and best practice to collaboratively share and construct strategies that promote positive mental health in schools and communities.

1.    Agree on shared understanding of concepts
2.    Review the evidence to support programs and policies
3.    Discover emerging strategies and explore pathways to policy
4.    Develop networks for future collaboration
5.    Create a call to action