2017 Presentations
Slides from many presentations at ASI 2017 have been made available for download. Please check back, as other slides may be added to this list in the future.
Think upstream – Are you ready for the promotion revolution? / Se tourner vers l’avenir : Êtes-vous prêt à la révolution de la promotion?
Professor Margaret Barry, Ph.D., Established Chair in Health Promotion and Public Health, National University of Ireland Galway, Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Research
Leveraging networks to take action in addressing the complexity of child, youth and family health
Maureen McDonald, M.Ed, Manager, Health Nexus Health Promotion Team
Innovative Evidence-Based Horizontal Policymaking: The Healthy Child Manitoba Strategy / Innover en matière d’élaboration de politiques horizontales axées sur des données probantes : stratégie Enfants en santé Manitoba
Leanne Boyd, Director, Policy Development, Research and Evaluation, Healthy Child Manitoba
Challenges and opportunities in Atlantic Canada!
Dr. David Butler-Jones, Senior Medical Officer and Atlantic Region Public Health Specialist, FNIH, Health Canada; Former Chief Public Health Officer, PHAC
Unpacking Evidence: What are the types of evidence and their impact on mental health promotion policy and programs? Moderator: Professor Margaret Barry
- Academic Research – Dr. John LeBlanc, IWK/Dalhousie University
- Best/Promising/Wise Practice – Dr. Leena K. Augimeri, Child Development Institute (ASI 2017 participants who would like a copy of these slides may send a request to info@asi-iea.ca)
- Two-Eyed Seeing – John R. Sylliboy, Member Millbrook First Nation, National Aboriginal Research Engagement Coordinator at IWK Health Centre
Pathways to policy: Moving evidence to action Moderator: John McLaughlin, Deputy Minister, New Brunswick Dept. of Education and Early Childhood Development
- Knowledge translation tools and processes / Processus et outils de transfert de connaissances – Pascale Mantoura, Research Officer, National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP)
- Public Engagement – Dr. Patrick Smith, CEO, Canadian Mental Health Association National
- Scale up projects –Dr. Kate Tilleczek, Canada Research Chair & Scientific Director, Young Lives Research Laboratory, University of Prince Edward Island (These slides will be made available after the final media release for the project has been received in 2018)
- Intersectoral Partnerships – Todd Leader, Consultant, Leader Development and Author of It’s Not About Us
Exploring the Evidence – Presentations and Conversation
1. Evidence Based Resources
- Measuring Positive Mental Health in Canada for Youth (12-17 yrs) – the Positive Mental Health Surveillance Indicator Framework / Cadre d’indicateurs de surveillance de la santé mentale positive – Jeunes – Andrea Simpson
- Promoting Healthy Relationships in the School Setting: The newly-revised JCSH Positive Mental Health Toolkit – Katherine Eberl Kelly, Susan Hornby
- PiT Count Toolkit – Youth Leadership – Jane Henderson, Colton Purchase
2. Expanding Access to Youth Based Services and Programs
- Youth Journeys in Mental Health in Atlantic Canada – Dr. Kate Tilleczek, Dr.Brandi Bell (These slides will be made available after the final media release for the project has been received in 2018)
- ACCESS Open Minds New Brunswick –Candice Pollack, Isabelle Godin, Joanna Martin, Adam Dickson
- Claymation Art Therapy in Early Phase Psychosis: a Pilot Study to explore feasibility, benefits and participants’ perceptions – Dr. Jean Hughes, Dr. Zenovia Ursuliak
3. Exploring the Context for Substance Use and Youth Mental Health
- Addressing Substance Use on Canadian Campuses – Anna McKiernan, Katie Fleming
- Setting the PEI context for action on child and youth mental health: Changing patterns of substance use – Dr. Jo-Ann MacDonald
- Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis – Dr. David Sabapathy
4. Parent, Caregiver and Mentor Engagement
- Assessment and Promotion of Teacher-specific Mental Health Literacy regarding Children of Parents with Mental Health Issues – Stefanie Harsch
- Triple P – A Population Health Approach to Parenting with Significant Mental Health Impacts / Triple P – Une démarche axée sur la santé de la population pour se pencher sur le parentage dans un contexte d’importantes répercussions sur la santé mentale – Dr. Wendy Verhoek-OftedahlI and Laura Quinn Graham
- Handle with Care… promoting the mental health of children… every day! – Sonya Hooper
5. Impact of Environments on Mental Health
- Exploring Perceptions and Identifying Solutions: A Policy Toolkit to Support Unstructured Child-led Play – Christine Pentland
- The intergenerational effects of Indian Residential Schools: Psychological distress among Indigenous youth based on age of onset of symptoms / Effets intergénérationnels des pensionnats indiens – Alex Thomas
- Overcoming Barriers to Employment for Immigrant Youth – Abby David
Innovations Promoting Child and Youth Mental Health
Taking SNAP (Stop Now And Plan) an evidence-based program to scale: Creating social impact
Dr. Leena Augimeri, Director, SNAP® Scientific & Program Development, Child Development Institute; co-presenters Nicola Slater and Marg Walsh (ASI 2017 participants who would like a copy of these slides may send a request to info@asi-iea.ca)
Scaling up Social Emotional Learning Curriculum in New Brunswick First Nations Communities (Note: To view the Wulastukw video embedded in the slideshow, please contact Terri-Anne Larry)
Co-presenters: Terri-Anne Larry, Teacher, Eel Ground First Nation School; Lorinda Ward, Metepenagiag First Nation; and Aleida Fox Kingsclear First Nation
Together We Can!! – The Contribution of Pro-Social Role-Modeling and Peer Mentoring to the Development of Positive Social Skills in Young Females: a Longitudinal Study of Early Intervention Strategies
Stephanie Ruckstuhl, Researcher/ NBCC Instructor, New Brunswick Community College; Co-presenters Dr. Chris Gilham, Dr. Kara Thompson
#MyDefinition: What We Learn When We Listen To Youth
Lee Thomas, President, DefineU Mental Health Programming Inc.
Moving Evidence to Action: The Role of Inter-organizational Mentoring Relationships for Strengthening Community Based Child and Youth Mental Health Programs
Crystal Watson, PHD Student, Dalhousie University/ Children and Youth in Challenging Contexts (CYCC) Network and Institute
List of books to support social and emotional learning
– compiled by Kendi Tarichia